Friday, April 10, 2009

Buzzy's Refreshed!

With our exhibit at Captain Buzzy's Beanery nearing an end on April 26th, we decided to switch out a few pieces to include more assemblages (to include a few with lights) and some new paintings by Mary Lynn.

Notice the gorilla cage perched over the table. Art in your face. A nice hot cup of coffee, danish, all the while Mr. Gorilla is staring in your conscious. A constant reminder. You have the solutions to your problems (key around his neck) if your only willing to look within yourself and not blame everyone else on the outside (key outside the cage he is reaching for).

April is speeding by. Slow it down with a cup of coffee with Mr. Gorilla. Just you and him. Take a moment to get to know each other. Captain Buzzy's in Church Hill. Just do it.

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